Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Fascination of a TV series

In Hong Kong, people love watching TV very much. I think people have started to be addicted to it since the first Hong Kong free television broadcaster was launched in 1960s. After that, watching TV has become an important part of all Hong Kong people’s everyday lives.

Since Hong Kong is a small city and we were not part of China before 1997, we only have two local free television broadcasters. Each of them provides two channels, one in Chinese and one in English. Comparing to other cities or countries, we do not have many choices. But maybe it is the reason that the channels we have are mixed with different programs. That is enough for us already; at least most of us enjoy watching them.

American TV series are increasingly popular these years in Hong Kong. They are showing in the two English channels. However, more Hong Kong people like to watch the local TV series than the American ones. There are several reasons. First, some of Hong Kong people (especially old people) do not know English well; they surely like watching Chinese TV series more. Second, the local TV series will be based on our own culture and background (Chinese or Hong Kong), people feel more familiar to them. Moreover, local TV series show every Monday to Friday, and we usually have three of them showing in one channel at one night. Furthermore, unlike the American TV series, we would not show them only once a week but almost every day. People can always talk about them during the day every day. Therefore we can get addicted to them very easily. There is one more difference between American and local TV series, our TV series usually end in a few months (because they show five times a week), it makes people easier to follow and they can shift to a new one very soon in case they do not like it.

I like many of those local TV series, but my recent favourite series is a modern action series called “Emergency Unit”. It is direct sequel to two popular TV series in 2005 and 2007. It is about two undercover agents for the police force trying to expose a triad boss’s crimes. It is a little bit similar to the famous movie “The Departed”. People really like this TV series and it became popular very soon. And the actor who takes the role as one of the undercover agents had a great performance in this series; nearly all people in Hong Kong love him. I also love him as they do. I think he is a good actor and he acts really great all the time but not only in this series. But in my opinion, the main reason makes him so famous is that his character is a excellent policeman but being sent to be an undercover in a triad society for ten years and died finally without resuming his post. We sympathize with his life; and I think that’s why we love him. When his character died in the show, it caused a loud noise and many people felt sad about it. It became a hot issue in Hong Kong for a while, and it attracted more people to watch this TV series. I cannot stop watching this series even I was in Sweden, so I kept watching the online broadcasting every day in last few months.

“Emergency Unit” is a great TV series, and it is not only popular in Hong Kong. Many Chinese people around the world love watching it too. They were discussing about it online every day when the series is still showing. You can see how powerful the Hong Kong local TV series are. I can say American TV series are not much better than our local ones. And that’s why I love them and watch them every day.

1 comment:

  1. It is a really good piece and I enjoyed my reading.
    The text is well structured; you have a good introduction and conclusion and in the paragraphs between you show a clear idea in each one.
    About the language: Your language is very good and your text in general easy to understand it. Anyway if you allow me to be picky I found out some little mistakes, or maybe not mistakes but I would improve them in some sense. In the fourth paragraph you wrote “the main reason makes him”, I would recommend you to write that between reason and makes. In the last sentence of the same paragraph you should write in the last few months, instead of “in last few months”.

    Kind regards
