Friday, May 22, 2009

Should we do investment?

Investment is a way to make money. In the past, we did not have any stock market, but investment still existed. Trading is also an investment. So whenever you put your money into a business, you are investing. But now, investment is commonly referring to trading in the financial market like stock market and foreign exchange market. As the world have been developed into a financial world, investment is very common. From the richest businessman in the world to the old lady living next to you are doing investment. However, since many people have lost much of their money in the market, especially during financial crisis, it makes many people afraid of investing. So should we still do investment? For me, I will. And I am going to convince you to join me in the market.

It is true that many people always lose money in the financial market. Even if they sometimes earn money, they will not be able to get any money from the market at the end. Some people had tried investing but lost much money and left the market, while some people heard about their friends’ experience and learnt the lesson not to try investing. So it is reasonable that people refuse to put money in such an unsafe place.

Nevertheless, all these are because many people do not really understand what investment is. In fact, they are not doing investment but gambling. They do not know what they are investing; they just follow others or observe the trend. There is no doubt about losing money by using such strategy. Investing in the financial market is mainly putting money in different firms. We should pay some effort to learn about the business you are investing. We should also notice all the news about the market and the entire economy. Investing is not only by luck, but by studying them. These are what we suppose to do with investment.

If people really know how to invest, they will probably not lose money all the time. By studying your investment and with your experience, you will know why this stock drops and why that stock rises, thus you can make the best response but not just wait there. I cannot guarantee that you can surely earn money, but at least you will learn how to minimize the loss and maximize the profit.

I know there will always be some risks in investing. You cannot determine everything, accidents always happen! So I think it is better not to put all of your money in the market. I will prefer you to invest only your spare money minus some reserve for your future needs, which means even if you lose all your money in the market, you can still live normally for one to two years. Otherwise, if a catastrophic financial crisis happens, you will suddenly lose a relatively large amount of money. And if you even lose your job at the same time because of the poor economy, you will have difficulties and feel hard to live with no income. It is a really bad situation which no one wants to experience.

I know there are some people who are not good at investing or studying them. I will not recommend you to invest a lot, but you can still invest some in some riskless financial assets. It is far better than just put money into the banks, since the interest rate is extremely low which is nearly zero. We should anyway do some investment to compensate inflation and to prepare for our future lives. Thus I strongly advise you to do investment, but in a smart way.

1 comment:

  1. You have a vivid and a very convincing language (e.g. ‘[a]nd I am going to convince you to join me in the market.’)!

    There should, however, be a definite article (i.e. a ‘the’) before ‘financial crisis’ since ‘crisis’ is in the singular form. About the same argument is, I think, applicable to ‘investment’ (and ‘strategy’), but here it would be better with either ‘an investment/strategy’ or ‘investments/strategies’. A general rule, I think, is that either an ‘a/an’ or a ‘the’ should come before singular forms (unless in case of very general concepts, e.g. ‘society’ and in headlines).

    I’m not sure whether it is good to use ‘pay’ before ‘some efforts’. Googling, I found that ‘put’ is much more common in this phrase (‘spend’ is also more common).

    In ‘thus you can make the best response but not just wait there’, I think ‘and’ would do better than ‘but’.

    Otherwise, your language is very accurate and eloquent. It looks like you are a professional writer! This is demonstrated by the fact that you often put a comma after for example ‘[n]evertheless’ and ‘otherwise’. Well done, indeed!

    Just a tiny flaw more: You have used a comma splicing in ‘[y]ou cannot determine everything, accidents always happen!’ This sounds great, but is not formally allowed. Use a semicolon instead!

    But, to sum up, your text is very good and you state your ideas clearly. Well done!
